
WE DID IT FOR HAWKINS RUMKER ! On the 6 December 2021 we received the determination that the NSW Government has determined that Hawkins Rumker region will NOT be opened up to coal exploration! See the determination page for full details.

It’s not fully over as Ganguddy-Kelgoola is still to come.


A group of self-funded, non-politically aligned, like-minded local residents and supporters of the Rylstone Region, committed to stopping new coal exploration and mining in our region. Our aim is to protect the land, heritage, culture & community for present and future generations.


The potential coal release areas of Hawkins and Rumker, covering 32,700ha, lie north and north-east of Rylstone, stretching to the southern end of the Bylong Valley (see map below). Ganguddy-Kelgoola, (adjacent to Hawkins and Rumker) is expected to be released later.Our homes, livelihoods, our region’s precious water supplies, our thriving tourism industry, productive agricultural lands, endangered flora and fauna, biodiversity and heritage and our very community are all under threat! Both Rumker and Ganguddy- Kelgoola lie adjacent to the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area and are also under substantial risk.